Information Technology Department
The Information Technology Department at the Faculty of Industry and Energy at the Borg El Arab Technological University is pleased to invite you to our exciting event dedicated to the Information Technology Department, which will be held on Monday, May 15th.
The event includes an exhibition showcasing student projects related to the Internet of Things that were developed during the second semester. This exhibition is a great example of collaboration and teamwork among Information Technology Department students, and truly reflects their dedication and excellent skills in the field of information technology. Students will also be honored for their outstanding projects at this event.
The Information Technology Club is a community of technology enthusiasts who share their passion for information technology and programming. We provide a platform for learning, networking, and staying updated with the latest trends in the world of technology.
A Special Thanks to Our Valued Supporters
president of the University
vice president of the University
head of the College of Industry and Energy
Embark on a journey of innovation and creativity as you explore our top 10 projects. From groundbreaking solutions to revolutionary designs, these projects represent the pinnacle of excellence in our community. Join us as we celebrate ingenuity and showcase the brilliance of our brightest minds. Come and be inspired by the future today!
projectsBATU University, New Borg El Arab City
Behind the City of Scientific Research, Opposite Japanese University